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A Man Swinging A Golf Club
Golf School

Birdwood Golf School

With Golf Digest "Best Teachers"

A Couple Of Men Playing Golf

If you're looking to refine your skills and learn from the best, our golf school offers the perfect blend of expert instruction and luxury accommodations. We're booking now for this exclusive golf school package that is offered for three separate sessions over the course of the year.

Pricing/Registration Information

This package is being offered for three distinct time periods. Includes a two-night stay, three days of instruction/play and access to Boar’s Head Golf Academy continuing education and videos (SubStack and CoachNow Academy). Limited to 12 people (6:1 instructor to student max).

  • Weekday Package 1: Monday, April 21 - Wednesday, April 23
  • Weekday Package 2: Tuesday, July 22 - Thursday, July 24
  • Weekday Package 3: Tuesday, Nov. 11 - Thursday, Nov. 13

Total for 1 person:

  • 4/21 – 4/23-- $815
  • 7/22 – 7/24 - $835
  • 11/11 – 11/13 - $795

Total for double occupancy:

  • 4/21 – 4/23-- $1310 ($655 per person)
  • 7/22 – 7/24 - $1330 ($665 per person)
  • 11/11 – 11/13 - $1290 ($645 per person)

For booking or more information or the course itinerary and instructor information, visit our Golf Academy page.

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